Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wes Scantlin......We Fucking Hate You.

Dear Wes,

There comes a time in everyone's life when they have to face facts and own up to their own stupidity.  I mean, we can't all be like OJ and pretend we did nothing wrong when we know we did.  I'm here to tell you that your time has come.  Although once a fairly popular and well-liked guy, your fans have watched you transform into some sort of prima donna that makes Axel Rose look like Mother Theresa and Kanye West look like Ghandi.  What a shame.

We have put up with your antics in the past, but recently your attacks have become personal.  Throwing microphones at fans, stopping shows because your thong needs adjusted, attacking promoters and club owners because you didn't have your four o' clock nap.......At this point, we are all confused as to whether you're an accomplished rock star or a toddler throwing a tantrum.  Your fans feel unsafe around you, which I guess really doesn't make them fans does it?  Those people showing up to your shows?  They aren't fans, they're gawkers.  Much like people gather around to witness the aftermath of a train wreck, people gather just to see if you will go ballistic John McEnroe style or just drop dead on stage.

You claim that "the internet can make anyone look like a fool", but what you fail to understand is that, while you are right, the internet has to get the information from somewhere.  When you're caught on video doing something only a person with two brain cells and a death wish would do, it isn't the internet that's making you look bad.  It's you.  You are bad.  You are a wasted, washed up, has been who is trying desperately to stay in the public eye by any means necessary.  You seem to believe that you are respected in this industry, when in all reality you are nothing but a joke.

You had what?  Two semi-successful songs?  Wow.  You had one song that stayed at #1 for a whole week?  Wow.  Your song "She Hates Me" is easily your most memorable, and yet never made it past #13 on the American charts.  Color me impressed.  Let's see.......Justin Bieber's song "Boyfriend" debuted at #2........"Mean" by Taylor Swift debuted at #11......Ummmm........"The Macarena" stayed at #1 for 14 weeks, as well as The Black Eyed Peas hit "I've Got A Feeling".  Now I know, those aren't on the rock charts, but you claim to be such a god in this industry that I can only assume that you also believe you are better than anyone else in the industry, regardless of genre.  Clearly that's a delusion.  It's probably the crack.....or whatever the drug of the day is.

I read in another interview where you said that you were "tired of hearing people call you a woman beater".....well, here's a tip.  Stop hitting women.  It's not the internet that's reporting it, it's the various police departments that are.  Your police reports ARE public record, in case you weren't aware that being a "celebrity" doesn't change that.

You are a disgrace to this industry.  A scourge.  A plague.  A waste of everyone's time and money.  I have more respect for toilet paper than you.  While I'm sure that this is nothing you haven't heard before, I feel the need to let you know that there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who roll their eyes the second that they hear your name, and it's not because they dislike your music.  It's because they fucking hate you and everything you represent.  You were brought to this point by the fans that you now verbally and physically attack, and we feel that it is time to let you know that, as the old adage goes, we brought you into this world and we can take you out.  You would be nothing without us, and unless you clean your act up, you won't be given the time of day.

Not only are your fans tired of you, but so are the promoters, booking agents, and venue owners.  If you think your fans and the internet can make your life miserable, wait until you piss off enough of those guys.  You'll be lucky if you can find an apartment in the projects of Detroit by the time they're done with you.  MC Hammer's bankruptcy is less embarrassing than you, and the list of people who want nothing to do with you grows by the second.

You better sober the fuck up and take a long look in the mirror boy.  YOU are the cause of your own demise, and unfortunately you're bringing your band mates down with you.  If I were them, I'd have kicked your ass a long time ago.  You're headed down a path that even Courtney Love would say is too much.  Get your fucking head in the game dude.  It's either buck up and face facts, or find a new job, and I'm guessing with all of your many skills, "do you want fries with that" is probably in the job description.

The music industry is a beast, and you are living proof that it will eat you alive.  Clearly, you have cracked under the pressure, no pun intended.  You're too strung out to even clean your damn swimming pool.  Instead your lazy ass just laughs it off and calls it your "swamp".  What a loser.

I mean, my god man, get it together.  We know you're semi-talented, or used to be anyway.  I guess your future is yet to be determined, but in the past, yes, you've shown signs of some talent.  You're getting old though, and time is ticking down.  The young guns in the game are pulling ahead of you and starting to show you up.  Perhaps that's why you feel the need to drag other musicians down by insulting them.  Truth be told, most of those whom you have insulted are far superior to you in both terms of talent and personality.

Rehab could be a viable option for you, but I'm afraid that once you sober up and realize how many brain cells you've burnt up, it may mean the end of your career......Of course, not cleaning up will probably be the end of your career too.  So, it sounds to me like it's time to seek out more viable options for employment.  Your drug use, your insane behavior, your personal diatribes, your violent streak.......all of these have caused your downfall.......well, that and what I believe is a lack of personal accountability.

Continue to blame the world for your problems, and you will continue to careen downhill.  You aren't funny.  You aren't clever.  You really don't appear to be intelligent.......You say hearing negative things about yourself gets you down.....Good.  It should.  The truth hurts.

The worst part of all of this is that you are bringing a stigma to your genre that shouldn't exist.  Not all rock singers are ridiculous cunts like you.  Most of the people you spend your time insulting via photos on Facebook have worked harder than you could ever hope to.  You deserve nothing that you don't work for, and it's clear that you don't feel you need to work for fans or appreciation.  Now it's time you realize that you do.  If you don't want to work for it, then we want nothing further to do with you.

It is very possible that within one year, no one will have a clue who you are.  Oh what a wonderful world that will be.  I mean, it's not even like you're relevant anymore.  You haven't had a hit since the early 2000's.  You should ask Fred Durst how all of this works.  He slipped into non-existence quietly.  Maybe it's time for you to do the same, rather than going out in a blaze of glory.  The rock gods are ashamed of you.  The industry is embarrassed by you.  Your fans are fed up with you.  If rock bottom ever existed, this is it.

Also, since you and your lone friend see the need to do this to other musicians who are more talented and well-liked than you, I made you a gift.

I hope one day karma fucks you in the ass with a cactus, but until then simply knowing that your career is about to be flushed down the toilet will have to do.  Fucking worthless piece of shit........

Red Lolli

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Change of Plans

Good Lord Robb Wells is fantastic!  Sorry.....I was trying to find some random photo for this post and have settled on this delightful hunk of man meat.  Are any of you Trailer Park Boys fans?  My husband and I are obsessed......

Anyway.....on to the point.  I had a topic all picked out for this week, and I could write the post, but I have chosen to wait until next week.  So if you're looking for "The Lost Art of Cover Art", it isn't here yet.  Next Friday.

This week, I want to take the time to do something I haven't really done in the past.  I want to ask you readers what YOU want to read about.  What gets YOUR juices flowing?  I know I have tons of readers.  I'm very anal retentive about keeping up with my analytics.  So....I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE!  However, I rarely hear from you guys, and if I do it's usually because I'm running a contest on Facebook.

So here's the thing.....I could pull topics out of my ass all day long, and I could write about whatever I want to my heart's content, but that wouldn't do anyone any good.  If we really want to get to the meat of these issues, I need feedback folks!  Now's the time!  TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!

I've had some thoughts as the re-vamp is happening about things I would like to do.  Maybe tell me what you think?  Add to the thoughts?  Anything!!  So here goes:

1.  I've thought about adding a weekly Battle of the Bands post on Wednesdays.  Now, this won't be your typical BOTB.  Each month, there will be a set genre (i.e. Folk, R&B, Rock, Metal, Country, Gospel, etc.).  Each week, I will choose two bands based upon your suggestions to go head to head.  The winners will challenge a new band the next week, and this will continue for 4 weeks.  Once I have cycled through 6 genres, I will have a championship month where each genre winner will go up against another genre.  Then once a year, those two winners will go head to head with each other and the winner will be crowned champion!

2.  How do you feel about polls?  They could be topical......a poll based around the week's topic??

3.  I'm going to start doing cash giveaways regularly in hopes to gain some attention.

4.  My normal personality is fairly bitchy, and sometimes something irks me so bad that I just want to tell the world.  I'd love to start doing a Terrible Tuesday rant of some sort.  Most people are entertained by my bitchiness, so you might dig it, and it might start some good arguments.

5.  I'm thinking about also adding in a video every week.  I'll select a band that I think is under-appreciated, and share a video with a quick review.  We don't want to lose Hidden Gems all together do we?

Well.....there are a few from me.  Now it's your turn.  Tell me what you want to see, read, watch, do......It's so important to me that you guys come back!  Feel free to comment here, add me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or shoot me an email.  I can't wait to hear from all of you!  You have no idea how much I appreciate you reading!  From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU ALL!!

Here's all of my Social Media info:

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/redlollimusic2014
Google +:  r.mcdaniel72707@gmail.com
E-Mail:  bharriss1985@fullsail.edu
Twitter: @redlolli2012
Instagram:  j.b.mcdaniel

And......I guess I'll leave you with a video of this song I'm seriously digging right now!!  It's called "Tranquilize" by Finish Ticket

Friday, April 3, 2015

When Groupies Become Girlfriends!!

So......what do an over-the-road trucker, a traveling musician, a soldier, and a traveling salesman have in common?  Well....not much unless you ask their significant others.  None of these have very much in common at all, if anything, as far as a job is concerned.  However, if you spoke to the other half of that couple, you will quickly find that loneliness is a common denominator.

I have so much respect for the men and women who are frequently separated from their partners, all for the good of others.  It takes absolute selflessness to do something like that, and I'm going to be honest.....I couldn't do it.  I lose my shit if my husband works an hour late.  In my relationship, it doesn't work if we aren't together.  We enjoy each other's company more than the company of others, and we have a lot of similar interests.  Not to mention we are crazy about each other! ;) ;) ;)

I have always considered having so much time to spend with my husband to be a luxury, because I've always been aware that this isn't the case for every relationship.  Naive as I was, I assumed that everyone understood this.  

Then I experienced my very first teenage groupie....

You know the type.......they dress like little whores (or worse as seen above) to get the attention of one of the band members.  Usually it doesn't matter which one.....Hell, half the time as long as you're a roadie you're considered "in the band".  It's shameful.  If these were my daughter's I'd ..... well I don't know what would do, but trust me it would be extreme.

And not only do they DRESS like whores, they ACT like them too which makes this even worse.  I mean, for all you know the girl in the photo above could be 15 years old.  Does that make the photo creepier?  If not, have your head checked.  

I want this post to serve as a lesson to these unfortunate girls.  Ladies, this is not how you should ever behave in public, especially if you're hoping to "bag a rockstar".  If you want to know how to get a true, honest, intimate connection with a musician read on.  If you want a one night stand and a walk of shame, step away from the computer, adjust your g-string, and go to the nearest live show.
If you're still reading, congratulations.  You're learning, and that's step one to a better you.

Another thing that young groupies do in order to "bag a rockstar" is assume that this person wants you to love everything that they love, eat all of the same food they eat, do all of the same shots they do, dress the same as they do, and so on, and so on, and so on.  

Girls, this is not what they want.  I've had the pleasure over the last week to interview four very special ladies who all happen to be dating musicians, each of whom are at different stages in their careers.  These aren't old women as you will see at the end of this post.  These are 18-23 year old young women who have made a conscious choice to get into, what I feel, is one of the most difficult types of relationships to get into.  These ladies all have different perspectives, but from them I was able to gather up some suggestions for you band wives in training.

Step 1:  Don't dress like or act like a whore.  Boobs are a dime a dozen, and believe me, the band has seen both better and worse than yours, so don't feel like you're special.  You're not.  As a matter of fact, even if the band member bangs you in the bus at the end of the night, it's guaranteed that you will be a joke the second you leave the bus.  You will just become another "Remember that one drunk whore I banged" story.  You don't want that, do you??  These guys aren't looking to tie themselves down to someone like that for more than an hour.

Step 2:  Don't pretend to like things you don't just to impress them.  These musicians aren't going to care if you like every single thing that they do.  In fact, according to my sources, they prefer some mystery.  Be yourself, because in the end the real you will come out regardless.  You may as well be honest about your Britney Spears obsession up front.  If you don't like sports, don't pretend you do.  If you don't like The Walking Dead, don't pretend to.  

Step 3:  Don't be jealous.  According to my lovely interviewees, this is the #1 killer among long-distance relationships, especially those where one party is in the public eye.  You need to be ready for the fact that one day, whores like you are going to be all up on your man when you aren't around, and you're going to have to put all of your trust into knowing your relationship is real.  You have to trust your partner explicitly.  Without this step, you're doomed.  You might as well hit up a Wet Seal sale.

Step 4:  Don't expect perfection all of the time.  You may have fallen in love with the band because of their latest hit single, but you didn't hear all the fuck ups they had to go through to get there.  You need to understand that often times you will hear the same track get fucked up for hours on end.  You will hear every missed note, wrong word, off beat.......everything.  Also, most of the time you're hearing them fuck shit up, they're in their underwear.  Although, if you take a step back, you'll realize that you are one of very few people in the world who gets to see them in such a state.  Count yourself lucky for those wrong notes, because at least it was YOU there to hear them.

Step 5:  Don't plan anything then count on it actually happening.  Just like regular life, touring musicians run into issues on the road all the time.  Be it a broken down bus or a last minute booking, the girlfriend of a musician needs to understand that things can change at the last minute.  More importantly, they can't take it personal.  What you should do instead is to appreciate every second that you get with your love while you have it, because odds are they'll be away from you soon and it could be months before you see them again.  Don't let it get to you that your plans fell through, laugh it off and adjust accordingly.
It comes down to this:

Loneliness is a way of life for these people.  It's sheer loneliness sprinkled with moments of delusional happiness.  A happiness that they wouldn't trade for anything.  I am privileged to know some amazing couples that go through this daily.  If you want to get into a serious, long-term relationship with a traveling musician you have to be both physically and mentally prepared for it.  You have to look for the very best in every moment, and trust with every fiber of your being.  A soldier's significant other, an over-the-road trucker's significant other, a traveling salesman's significant other........they'll all tell you the same thing.  Granted each one of those occupations have a plethora of different hazards, the loneliness remains the common denominator.  It's a lot of work, but the rewards are great.

All four of my interviewees closed their interviews with the same sentiment, and I'd like to share it with you.

Nothing is better than seeing your significant other for the first time in months, beaming on stage, doing what they love, and knowing everyone in the room loves it too.  

And they all want you to know that you can't "bag a rockstar"....all you can do is intrigue them.

Jess, Anna, Sydney, Brittany.....Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being so candid.  

Jake Smith (Former drummer for Shot 2 Pieces, Current soldier in the US Army) and girlfriend of three years Sydney McDaniel.

***Sidebar:  Sydney, I love you and I spaced out when I was writing.  You were so prompt with your response that I had time to forget about you, and for that I am ashamed.  I have to tell you that out of all of my interviewees your story was by far the most important.....I mean a musician turned soldier.  Mad respect to you girl, and I hope you forgive me!!  <3 <3 <3

Heath Fields (Drummer for Shallow Side) and girlfriend of three years Jess Rollinsworth

Bobby Smith (Guitarist for KillinoisE) and fiancé Brittany Miller (Together two years)

Justin Smith (Guitarist, Free Agent) and girlfriend of one and a half years, Anna Tolliver

Friday, March 27, 2015

Groupie Love

For this week's blog, I've decided to go with subject material that we all know and love.  GROUPIES!!!  I'm going to let you guys in on my innermost thoughts and observations about the subculture we all know exists, but never quite want to own up to.

Not all groupies are alike, and with each different type of groupie comes a different set of personality traits, so which one are you?

1.  The Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n Roll Type:

These girls know no boundaries.  They are at a show to get attention.  They do so by flaunting themselves as if it were an audition for a porno.  They have been known to throw underwear on stage, spin their bras around their heads like helicopters, and get tag teamed in the van.  This is what they live for.  Relationship status makes no difference to these girls.  They live their lives based on the assumption that they are too hot to resist, even if the guitar player is married.  Not everything about these girls is negative though.  Other fans, primarily of the male persuasion, really enjoy these antics even if they aren't directed toward them.  Like Ron White said, they want to see ALL of the titties.

2.  The Band-Aid

Taking their name from the epic classic "Almost Famous", these groupies hate the word "groupie".  They proclaim to be there for the best interest of the band, helping in any way possible.  They've been known to cook food, go on beer runs, wrap cords after a show, offer neck massages in the hotel room, and basically anything else they can to assist the bands.  The mantra (of sorts) used by Band-Aids is that they "don't sleep with the bands".  That's honorable, however, given the chance I'd venture to guess that about 50% of them would totally drop their pants.  These are the groupies that actually get the most face time with their favorite bands.  They are often invited out on the road, or at least out to the bus to party.  They frequently host bands in their own homes, and are a really great way to cure the loneliness of the road.  Band-Aids are very valuable to a band, because even if they would drop their pants for the lead singer, they would also drive to Michigan to pick up a part for your broken down tour bus.

3.  The Super Fan

This is a special kind of groupie.  Everyone knows one of these.  EVERYONE.  This is the fan that follows the band on tour.  They see every show they possibly can, make sure to let everyone in the entire world know that they are seeing these shows, and never walk away from a merch table empty handed.  They spend almost every dime they make supporting their favorite bands.  Their social media feeds are filled with posts about bands or shows that they are/were involved with.  They have tattoos that represent their love for "their" bands.  These are the groupies who take the bands to the next level.  I'm pretty sure that the phrase "word of mouth" came from these groupies.  They will not skip any opportunity to tell the world about the bands, and in all reality this is a great way for the bands to get some free advertisement.  I have to say that, as a band, you know you're at least somewhat successful if you have at least one super fan!

4.  The Band Managers

These are without a doubt the most frustrating groupies out there.  These are the ones who believe that without their support, the bands would have gotten nowhere.  Their fandom equates a band's success, and that gives them a sense of entitlement.  These groupies are the type of fans that get annoyed when the spotlight isn't on them.  They expect their favorite bands to grovel at their feet, and jump at their beckoned call.  They take credit for everything, regardless of their involvement, and lose their shit if the band notices anyone but them at a show.  They attempt to usurp their "authority" onto other fans by telling them what to do and how to do it.  They make a rush to be the first like or comment on every social media post.  The worst part about these groupies is that they often make the bands feel like dog crap when they don't get their way.  No band NEEDS groupies like this, but will inevitably have them.

5.  The "You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks" Type

These groupies are absolutely the most fun!  Call them what you want...cougars, grannies, MILF's, whatever....these are groupies that go way back.  The age of the band doesn't matter to them as long as the beer is cold, the pants are leather, and the music is loud.  They have a lot of real life responsibility, so escaping to a show is their way of blowing off steam.  They love hard, and rock harder.  They bring experience to the table, and sometimes that's more valuable than anything.  Some of these older groupies even take on the role of "band mom's".  They cook, do laundry, worry about the band's health, and other motherly duties.  Without a doubt, these groupies have a lot of value, and the bands truly appreciate them.  They become road family, and give the bands a home away from home of sorts.  Don't deny their ability to drink you under the table though.

6.  Groupies In Denial

Ooooo this is a fun section.  Groupies that refuse to admit they are groupies.  They get dolled up, put on their pasties, fetch beers, buy shots, hang all over the band, and still deny that they are groupies.  They claim to be there for the music, but they're dressed like a stripper at a Megadeath show.  Here's a tip:  As an outside observer, I have to point out that the people who are truly at a show for the music are wearing jeans and t-shirts, not 50 pounds of blue eyeshadow and pasties in the shapes of stars.  To these groupies, the word groupie is an insult.  It indicates that someone thinks they are a whore.  I'm here to tell you that this is not the case.  I'll elaborate more on this in the conclusion.

7.  The Creepers

This is the type of groupie that makes everyone uncomfortable.  The ones who stalk in the shadows, stay quiet, stare, possibly put on lipstick while wearing dirty underwear....The creepy people who don't understand the concept of personal space.  While it's possible that they are in fact just socially awkward, no one wants some creepy guy stuffing dollar bills into their pants after a show.  You can expect some very unexpected and erratic behavior from these groupies.  They may write you a love poem one minute and mail you a rabbit's head the next.  Beware of the creepers.

So there you have it.  A breakdown of the groupie class system as interpreted by my own personal observation.  This is meant to be somewhat satirical in nature, but as with all sarcasm, there is an element of truth behind it.  In the end, groupie is just another word for fan, given to fans by other fans who are jealous that they don't get the same attention.  If you are a true fan of a band, then I guarantee you that you fall into one or more of these categories, and guess what?  That's just fine!!

Believe it or not, bands appreciate the attention regardless of format.  Even the creepers.  Don't be offended if someone tells you that you're a groupie.  Own that shit.  Let your freak flag fly.  Just understand that you are not the only fan in existence, and that you are not the center of the band's universe.  Have some respect for boundaries.  If you know one of the guys is married or in a relationship, don't try to sleep with him.  That's trashy.   Don't mail them your dirty panties.  That's creepy, and really disgusting.  Go to their shows, support them on social media, buy their merch, get those tattoos.......whatever you do, do it because you love the band, not because you want them to love you.

Feel free to leave comments!  Especially if you have seen other types that aren't mentioned here!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

rIp: A Remix Manifesto Remixed

To infringe, or not to infringe?  That is the question.  The film RiP:  A Remix Manifesto is an incredibly eye-opening view into the anarchic sub-culture of “remixers”, a title given, by this film, to names as prolific as Walt Disney, Andy Warhol, and many more.  The film goes to great lengths to offer its viewers a first person perspective into the world of copyright infringement, and the sub-culture that it has inevitably spawned. 
            Believe it or not, there was a time when people understood that in order to foster creativity, you have to not only utilize but to also embrace collaboration.  Walt Disney is likely one of the most profound and well-known orchestrators of “remixing” in recent history.  The film goes on to demonstrate that all of Disney’s earliest works are in fact just “remixes” of earlier literary works.  These works, such as Snow White or Alice in Wonderland, were a source of inspiration for Walt Disney, and as they were free for him to amend or to interpret, he did so by creating the memorable animated versions that we all know and love.  In the great words of Bob Dylan, however, “the times…they are a’changin’”. 
            After Walt Disney’s death, the Disney Corporation fought for the laws of copyright to be changed, and were successful.  This put a majority of copyright control into the hands of major corporations and out of the hands of creators and innovators.  Of course, as with anything in current society, this didn’t, doesn’t, and won’t be acceptable to millions of the Earth’s population.  From grass roots movements to intentional infringement, people have begun standing up against a world that is run by a handful of billionaires. 
            The film follows an artist, using the term lightly, that goes by the stage name “Girl Talk”.  This man takes 2-3 second samples of a song, then distorts and alters them to fit with samples of other songs, then claims the work as his own.  This causes quite the dilemma in the legal realm, because there is such a thing as fair use.  It seems to be a never-ending battle between lawyers and, what I’m going to call, DJ’s.  To say that what Girl Talk does should be illegal seems extreme, but on the other hand taking upwards of 20 songs that you didn’t write, mashing them together, and calling them yours doesn’t seem right either.  Is it your interpretation of those songs?  Absolutely, but I’ve always been taught to give credit where credit is due.  Yes, you imagined this mix all on your own, but remember that without the original snippet of music that someone else created, you wouldn’t have the track that you are calling your own.
            The film makes an excellent point that writers are allowed to cite portions of other authors’ works provided an appropriate citation is made crediting the original author.  This seems like a fairly straightforward practice, and it’s unclear to me as to why this couldn’t be a universal practice across all mediums.  If I could suggest anything be changed, it would be as simple as crediting the original creators when you sample their material, be it audio, video, photographic, medicinal, utilitarian, literary, or innovative in nature.
            Ultimately, it comes down to the almighty dollar though, and the scenes that depicted those punished for infringement epitomize the principle flaw in capitalistic societies.  People who hardly have anything are forced to give up their homes, their freedom, and their hard-earned money to pay back billionaires who lost maybe $8 in revenue.  Now, I understand that adds up, but does the punishment for an insignificant crime really need to be so extreme?  I mean seriously…I’ve seen rapists get less severe punishment. 
            There is no quick fix for this issue, because both sides are adamant that they are right.  Unfortunately, one side has a much larger advantage than the other.  It was nice to see that artists themselves have finally started to grasp the concept of collaboration though.  Radiohead took a big financial risk when they offered their album up to be modified in an unlimited capacity to the general public.  What’s more interesting to see is bands like U2, who have previously been staunch defenders of copyright law, bending and changing their stance in order to help their image.
            While none of this seems conventional, there is merit to those who intentionally break the law.  They have taken a piece of history, and made it current.  Much like you enhance a recipe by adding or taking away ingredients, these mixers are spicing up the way we think about and interpret music.  I will say it again; I don’t think this method of creating should be illegal, but I do think appropriate credit should be given to those who had the original thought or idea. 

Here is the full film for those interested in watching, which I HIGHLY recommend!!


As most of you know, I have been in school for the last two years working towards my Bachelor's degree in Music Business.  My hope is to one day help unknown artists create clever, unique marketing campaigns to help sell their music.

When I started this blog, it honestly was just a hobby.  I love introducing people to new music, and blogging seemed like the perfect platform to do so.  I've had great success with this blog, even as minimal as the posts have been over the last year or so.

Even better, I have grown and learned a wealth of information via my school work.  My interest and passion in the music industry has grown.  It has matured and developed a kind of intelligence of its own.

With that said, I have decided to change up the platform for this blog.  While I will still be using it as a platform to introduce unknown artists, I will also be using it as a platform to teach upcoming or unknown artists the ins and outs of the music industry.  We'll keep up on current trends, debate topics, and much more.

I know it's different, but bear with me as I make this change!!  And as always, send me that music!  Maybe you've heard something that I haven't!  I'm open to anything folks, so start sending me those links!

Email them to bharriss1985@fullsail.edu


Lolli <3

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Indie Bands: The Grind to Glory

I think it's time to bring some facts to the attention of my readers, who are more than likely reading this from the comfort of their own homes.

Have you ever gone to a rock show and really considered everything that goes into it?  Have you pondered what it's really like to be a "rock star"?  Have you ever found yourself asking what happens behind the scenes?

I have ranted and raved about how the mainstream artists in today's society have become a greedy, egomaniacal, group of prima donnas who have forgotten that without fans they have nothing.  What I haven't ranted and raved about are all the "fans" who seem to have forgotten about the amount of work and dedication it takes for your favorite bands to put on those precious shows you love so much.

I recently saw a screen shot of a conversation that someone was brazen enough to have with the lead singer of the band they were looking to pirate music from.  This genius actually told the singer that he/she intended to pirate their tracks but couldn't find them, and then had the nerve to actually ask where to find the tracks available for free download.

Come on guys.  If you expect your favorite artists to have not only respect for you but also their craft, then you have got to have a little respect for everything they have to go through to bring you the music you love so much.  That's what this post is all about.  Educating you guys on the in's and out's of being an independent band....AKA a small fish in a gigantic pond.

I have been privileged enough to be a part of this behind the scenes stuff for a while now, and I think most of you will be shocked (to say the least) at what all goes into being an independent band.  The numbers, statistics, and stories I will be presenting to you are courtesy of my guys in Shallow Side.  They are an accurate representation of the indie music scene, and when this is over I'm confident that you will all have a new found respect for these artists.

For my first point, I want you to think about the odometer on your vehicle.  At the end of the year, how many miles have you logged?  Current statistics show that the average American driver puts approximately 10,000 miles on their vehicle annually.  That's a lot of driving folks!  Think about your annual maintenance costs.  Now think about how much fuel you use every year.  Now....let's look at Shallow Side's annual vehicle costs.  If you perform regular maintenance on your vehicle, it's typically done every 3,000 miles.  Shallow Side logged right around 45,000 miles on their small RV style tour bus this year.  That equals 15 maintenance cycles.  So, let's look at the cost.  An oil change is roughly $75, so that means they paid roughly $1125 for oil changes this year.  Brakes cost an average of $500, and at 45,000 miles they were changed at least twice so that's another $1000.  Add in a coolant system flush twice a year at $200 a pop and about $1000 on two sets of tires, and we're up to $3325.  But wait!  We forgot about everyone's arch nemesis, fuel prices.  On average last year, diesel fuel was $3.85 (according to ConsumerReports.com).  Shallow Side's vehicle, when pulling their equipment trailer, averages 5-10 miles per gallon depending on terrain.  This means that last year they shelled out $23,100 for gas.  So what's our total up to now?  $24,265 just to drive to the shows, and that's not accounting for unusual circumstances like a blown radiator that requires a tow, a U-Haul rental, and a repair.

Secondly, let's think about how much you ate last year.  Did you eat a lot of McDonald's or did you cook most of your meals?  If you answered in the latter, then you are a lot more fortunate than your average touring band.  While it is true that most of these bands have developed enough relationships with fans that they get a home-cooked meal every once in a while, it's not very often.  Most of these bands go from a venue in Maine to a venue in Ohio overnight.  That doesn't leave very much time for sitting down around the table with anyone.  So let's say that my Shallow Side guys are lucky enough to have three meals cooked for them each week during a 12 month tour. That means that four days a week they are left to their own devices as to what to eat.  Now, most bands are smart enough to stock their bus with road food, so I won't account for three meals a day.  I'll just account for one meal per day from McDonald's for each band member.  An average McDonald's value meal is $6.  Multiply that by four and you get $24 per day to eat.  Multiply that by four and it costs Shallow Side $96 per week to eat.  Multiply that times 52 and it costs them $4992 per year to eat one meal per day four days per week.  Of course, this number isn't accounting for their tour manager who also has to eat.

Now we're going to look at my third point.  Costs of production.  Shallow Side currently has two 5-Track EP's for sale for $10 each.  Last year, they sold approximately 4,000 copies (both digital and hard copies), so that gives them $40,000.  That sounds like a lot doesn't it?!  Hold on before you get too excited.  Let's break this down.  According to the guys, each EP costs roughly $8,000 to record.  Then they have to pay for cover art, printing, and distribution of each copy.  So.....$16,000 to record plus another (estimated) $5000 for art and distribution.  In order to protect each of these tracks by copyright, they have to pay a $45 fee per EP to register them with the copyright office, equaling $90. So what's the number here?  $18,910.  This means that even with album sales, they are still $5355 in the hole.

So what's next on the list?  Let's take a look at ticket sales.  This should be fun, because there is a lot more to this than one would think.  First, you should know that most venues don't sell tickets, they just charge a cover.  On average, in my own personal experience, you can expect a cover charge to be about $10.  The average venue for an independent band can hold roughly 300 patrons, so they average about $3000 per show in cover charges.  Shallow Side did approximately 250 shows last year, so their average income should have been $750,000.  However, not all venues charge a cover or sell tickets.  About 50% of them just pay per show, so lets cut that number in half and leave ourselves with $375,000 annually.  Now keep in mind, this is a rough estimate.  The actual number could be more OR less.  Still, that sounds like a nice chunk of change.  Did you consider the other fees though?  Out of that $375,000, there are venue fees of about 15%, promoter fees of about 15%, management fees of about 15%, and on average 5 bands playing at one show with four members each.  That's 20 band members.  Okay.  So do the math.  $375,000 minus 45% for various fees equals $206,250 divided between 20 people.  That's a grand total of $10,312.50 per person ($41,250 per band).

Okay.....so we've finally hit the green!!  $41,250 - $5,355 = $35,895 in annual income before merchandise sales.  That's a pretty good number!!  Until you divide it by four, and then you see that each band member has to live on $8,973.75 each year.  Do you have a cell phone?  So do they.  Do you have to go to the doctor?  So do they, only guess what?  They don't have an option for company insurance, and they don't have enough of a paper trail to get any kind of financial help.  Heath, the drummer for Shallow Side, severely injured his hand this year and it required surgery.  He was unable to play shows, which impacted not only his income, but also his band mate's income.  The surgery cost was a little over $10,000 which he had to pay out of pocket.  Fortunately, his fans rallied around him and were able to fundraise about 45% of the cost, but that still cost him more than he made this year.

To top it off, all of this is assuming that the show actually goes on, and that the venues and promoters hold up their end of the deal, which isn't always the case.  Two out of every ten shows has something go wrong....either the bus breaks down, the show gets cancelled, the set gets pulled, or a bar owner stiffs you on your pay.  If you think this doesn't happen, you need to get a clue.  It happens all the time.

Of course, money isn't the only factor here.  Could you imagine spending 90% of an entire year away from home?  Away from family, significant others, friends, pets?  These bands do this every year, and sacrifice more than you realize to bring you music that means something.  They pour their blood, sweat, and tears into their music, then turn around and sacrifice having any kind of normal life so that you can spend 45 minutes listening to them at your favorite venue.  All on the chance that they may not get paid.

Independent music is more than just garage bands hoping to make it big.  It's fraught with bands who are incredibly selfless.  They do these things day in and day out, just hoping to bring you a message.  Being a true fan of independent bands is more than just loving their music.  It's about more than just filling a venue.  It's about respect and appreciation for an art form that is slowly becoming disingenuous.  These bands aren't bringing you mass-produced, assembly line garbage.  They are bringing you authentic, self-written, self-experienced music.  They give you a rare glimpse into their souls.  Sharing one's innermost thoughts is an incredibly intimate experience, and just like in a relationship, if you don't respect and appreciate the intimacy then these bands will begin disappearing.

Keep independent music alive and thriving, because if you don't.......all you have to look forward to is hearing nothing but Taylor Swifts and Kanye Wests on your radio.  Independence comes at an incredible cost, and I want this to serve as a reminder to each of you to not only love your indies, but to do whatever you can to support them.  Buy a shirt, buy three copies of their EP, buy a bracelet, offer them gift cards for food.......HELP THEM!!  Just showing up at a show isn't helping them......re-post their statuses, tweet about them, share their videos......DO SOMETHING!!!  They rely on their fans for a lot more than just admiration, and without you they literally have nothing.  If you love an indie band, you should accept the fact that you are not just a fan, you are a family member!