There comes a time in everyone's life when they have to face facts and own up to their own stupidity. I mean, we can't all be like OJ and pretend we did nothing wrong when we know we did. I'm here to tell you that your time has come. Although once a fairly popular and well-liked guy, your fans have watched you transform into some sort of prima donna that makes Axel Rose look like Mother Theresa and Kanye West look like Ghandi. What a shame.
We have put up with your antics in the past, but recently your attacks have become personal. Throwing microphones at fans, stopping shows because your thong needs adjusted, attacking promoters and club owners because you didn't have your four o' clock nap.......At this point, we are all confused as to whether you're an accomplished rock star or a toddler throwing a tantrum. Your fans feel unsafe around you, which I guess really doesn't make them fans does it? Those people showing up to your shows? They aren't fans, they're gawkers. Much like people gather around to witness the aftermath of a train wreck, people gather just to see if you will go ballistic John McEnroe style or just drop dead on stage.
You claim that "the internet can make anyone look like a fool", but what you fail to understand is that, while you are right, the internet has to get the information from somewhere. When you're caught on video doing something only a person with two brain cells and a death wish would do, it isn't the internet that's making you look bad. It's you. You are bad. You are a wasted, washed up, has been who is trying desperately to stay in the public eye by any means necessary. You seem to believe that you are respected in this industry, when in all reality you are nothing but a joke.
You had what? Two semi-successful songs? Wow. You had one song that stayed at #1 for a whole week? Wow. Your song "She Hates Me" is easily your most memorable, and yet never made it past #13 on the American charts. Color me impressed. Let's see.......Justin Bieber's song "Boyfriend" debuted at #2........"Mean" by Taylor Swift debuted at #11......Ummmm........"The Macarena" stayed at #1 for 14 weeks, as well as The Black Eyed Peas hit "I've Got A Feeling". Now I know, those aren't on the rock charts, but you claim to be such a god in this industry that I can only assume that you also believe you are better than anyone else in the industry, regardless of genre. Clearly that's a delusion. It's probably the crack.....or whatever the drug of the day is.
I read in another interview where you said that you were "tired of hearing people call you a woman beater".....well, here's a tip. Stop hitting women. It's not the internet that's reporting it, it's the various police departments that are. Your police reports ARE public record, in case you weren't aware that being a "celebrity" doesn't change that.
You are a disgrace to this industry. A scourge. A plague. A waste of everyone's time and money. I have more respect for toilet paper than you. While I'm sure that this is nothing you haven't heard before, I feel the need to let you know that there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who roll their eyes the second that they hear your name, and it's not because they dislike your music. It's because they fucking hate you and everything you represent. You were brought to this point by the fans that you now verbally and physically attack, and we feel that it is time to let you know that, as the old adage goes, we brought you into this world and we can take you out. You would be nothing without us, and unless you clean your act up, you won't be given the time of day.
Not only are your fans tired of you, but so are the promoters, booking agents, and venue owners. If you think your fans and the internet can make your life miserable, wait until you piss off enough of those guys. You'll be lucky if you can find an apartment in the projects of Detroit by the time they're done with you. MC Hammer's bankruptcy is less embarrassing than you, and the list of people who want nothing to do with you grows by the second.
You better sober the fuck up and take a long look in the mirror boy. YOU are the cause of your own demise, and unfortunately you're bringing your band mates down with you. If I were them, I'd have kicked your ass a long time ago. You're headed down a path that even Courtney Love would say is too much. Get your fucking head in the game dude. It's either buck up and face facts, or find a new job, and I'm guessing with all of your many skills, "do you want fries with that" is probably in the job description.
The music industry is a beast, and you are living proof that it will eat you alive. Clearly, you have cracked under the pressure, no pun intended. You're too strung out to even clean your damn swimming pool. Instead your lazy ass just laughs it off and calls it your "swamp". What a loser.
I mean, my god man, get it together. We know you're semi-talented, or used to be anyway. I guess your future is yet to be determined, but in the past, yes, you've shown signs of some talent. You're getting old though, and time is ticking down. The young guns in the game are pulling ahead of you and starting to show you up. Perhaps that's why you feel the need to drag other musicians down by insulting them. Truth be told, most of those whom you have insulted are far superior to you in both terms of talent and personality.
Rehab could be a viable option for you, but I'm afraid that once you sober up and realize how many brain cells you've burnt up, it may mean the end of your career......Of course, not cleaning up will probably be the end of your career too. So, it sounds to me like it's time to seek out more viable options for employment. Your drug use, your insane behavior, your personal diatribes, your violent streak.......all of these have caused your downfall.......well, that and what I believe is a lack of personal accountability.
Continue to blame the world for your problems, and you will continue to careen downhill. You aren't funny. You aren't clever. You really don't appear to be intelligent.......You say hearing negative things about yourself gets you down.....Good. It should. The truth hurts.
The worst part of all of this is that you are bringing a stigma to your genre that shouldn't exist. Not all rock singers are ridiculous cunts like you. Most of the people you spend your time insulting via photos on Facebook have worked harder than you could ever hope to. You deserve nothing that you don't work for, and it's clear that you don't feel you need to work for fans or appreciation. Now it's time you realize that you do. If you don't want to work for it, then we want nothing further to do with you.
It is very possible that within one year, no one will have a clue who you are. Oh what a wonderful world that will be. I mean, it's not even like you're relevant anymore. You haven't had a hit since the early 2000's. You should ask Fred Durst how all of this works. He slipped into non-existence quietly. Maybe it's time for you to do the same, rather than going out in a blaze of glory. The rock gods are ashamed of you. The industry is embarrassed by you. Your fans are fed up with you. If rock bottom ever existed, this is it.
Also, since you and your lone friend see the need to do this to other musicians who are more talented and well-liked than you, I made you a gift.
I hope one day karma fucks you in the ass with a cactus, but until then simply knowing that your career is about to be flushed down the toilet will have to do. Fucking worthless piece of shit........
Red Lolli
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