Saturday, April 11, 2015

Change of Plans

Good Lord Robb Wells is fantastic!  Sorry.....I was trying to find some random photo for this post and have settled on this delightful hunk of man meat.  Are any of you Trailer Park Boys fans?  My husband and I are obsessed......

Anyway.....on to the point.  I had a topic all picked out for this week, and I could write the post, but I have chosen to wait until next week.  So if you're looking for "The Lost Art of Cover Art", it isn't here yet.  Next Friday.

This week, I want to take the time to do something I haven't really done in the past.  I want to ask you readers what YOU want to read about.  What gets YOUR juices flowing?  I know I have tons of readers.  I'm very anal retentive about keeping up with my analytics.  So....I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE!  However, I rarely hear from you guys, and if I do it's usually because I'm running a contest on Facebook.

So here's the thing.....I could pull topics out of my ass all day long, and I could write about whatever I want to my heart's content, but that wouldn't do anyone any good.  If we really want to get to the meat of these issues, I need feedback folks!  Now's the time!  TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!

I've had some thoughts as the re-vamp is happening about things I would like to do.  Maybe tell me what you think?  Add to the thoughts?  Anything!!  So here goes:

1.  I've thought about adding a weekly Battle of the Bands post on Wednesdays.  Now, this won't be your typical BOTB.  Each month, there will be a set genre (i.e. Folk, R&B, Rock, Metal, Country, Gospel, etc.).  Each week, I will choose two bands based upon your suggestions to go head to head.  The winners will challenge a new band the next week, and this will continue for 4 weeks.  Once I have cycled through 6 genres, I will have a championship month where each genre winner will go up against another genre.  Then once a year, those two winners will go head to head with each other and the winner will be crowned champion!

2.  How do you feel about polls?  They could be topical......a poll based around the week's topic??

3.  I'm going to start doing cash giveaways regularly in hopes to gain some attention.

4.  My normal personality is fairly bitchy, and sometimes something irks me so bad that I just want to tell the world.  I'd love to start doing a Terrible Tuesday rant of some sort.  Most people are entertained by my bitchiness, so you might dig it, and it might start some good arguments.

5.  I'm thinking about also adding in a video every week.  I'll select a band that I think is under-appreciated, and share a video with a quick review.  We don't want to lose Hidden Gems all together do we?

Well.....there are a few from me.  Now it's your turn.  Tell me what you want to see, read, watch, do......It's so important to me that you guys come back!  Feel free to comment here, add me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or shoot me an email.  I can't wait to hear from all of you!  You have no idea how much I appreciate you reading!  From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU ALL!!

Here's all of my Social Media info:

Google +:
Twitter: @redlolli2012
Instagram:  j.b.mcdaniel

And......I guess I'll leave you with a video of this song I'm seriously digging right now!!  It's called "Tranquilize" by Finish Ticket

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